6×6 Australia had in fact been online since 1999 – yes, definitely early adopters (I did my first website at SCU in around 1998 ). I found the first screenshot at Wayback Machine, ‘the’ website archive (https://web.archive.org/).

There had been various iterations of the website and when they contacted me in 2020, we were redy for the full makeover – content, photos, design, functionality, social media, updating the logo (to include Tassie), and so much more!

Screenshots 2 and 3 give you a taste of how it was, and the last screenshot is how we landed. A huge difference!

December 2025: 6×6 Australia have been managing the site since around 2023, but unfortunately, this site isn’t online at present because the biz owners failed to renew their domain, so there is work to be done to to restore.

Site released: 13 August 2020

Visit the site: 6x6australia.com.au (the link will be restored when the site is back online)


The 6x6 Australia website in 1999

The 6x6 Australia website around 2007

The 6x6 Australia website around 2019

The 6x6 Australia website in 2020 after a major redesign.

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