About Me
I love designing websites!
I love building websites. Fixing websites. Finding great solutions for you. Simples!
I’ve been working on websites for a really really long time (1998 to be exact, and that was when we had Netscape 4 and tables for formatting were very big!). That’s kind of like saying “you mean the internet didn’t always exist?”
I founded Leumesin Design in October 2012 and love working in (and on) my “micro” business.
If you want to know more …
I’m a perfectionist. Sometimes down to the last pixel!
I can’t start my day without a double-shot espresso.
I’ve built lots of websites (I’ve lost count), more than a few eNewsletters and blogs, and managed lots of projects. I worked with a totally awesome team to built web-based software applications. Pretty cool stuff too! I learned a lot from them, and they didn’t laugh at my “stupid” questions!
I worked at a regional university for a really long time, and for more than 12 of those years, I managed their web space. If you want to find out why I’m here, not there, click here. In a strange twist of fate, I’m back working at that same university on a casual basis, but in a completely different capacity!
Leumesin Design may be a teeny tiny micro-business, but don’t let that put you off! I love working with all kinds of businesses and get excited when you “get it” and take ownership. You’re happy, I’m happy!
I love all kinds of design – not just websites! Interior design, architecture, garden design, industrial design and on and on!
I discovered WordPress a long ago and just love it as much now as I did when I first started using it.
My clients like me (mostly)!
I’ve been known to work very odd hours but not so often these days. Although, it still does happen when projects are close to finish. Colleagues would comment on the 3am emails! They thought I was nuts!
I’ve developed my first iPhone app. It’s an evolving thing!
I’m studying for a Diploma of Interior Design (which I’m not sure I’ll ever finish). I have however, completed a Certificate 3 in Micro-Business Operations. Woo hoo!
When I’m not creating websites, you’ll probably find me in the garden, or renovating something, making something, or painting something – I’m pretty good at painting houses inside and out!
I broke my wrist at the gym in late 2011 and I’m still feeling the effects! I was warming up for my boxing bootcamp. I tripped. Ouch! Hello hospital! It’s true that it takes a long time to recover. So I could keep working, I learned to use Dragon Dictate and write left handed, which was weird but kind of fun and quite productive in an odd sort of way! I think about going to the gym, and sometimes do. Boxing, step, body balance (tai chi and pilates). And yes, I admit it, I love Sh’bam too.
I can fix your website, but nope, I can’t fix your computer (or your mobile phone)! I do know people who can though!
I love repurposing (aka recycling) things, especially in the garden and when I’m renovating. I’m pretty good at recycling (refreshing) websites too!
I love horror movies (the creepier the better) and old musicals, especially Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I used to do ballet because I was going to be the next Margot Fonteyn; tap, because I wanted to do what Fred and Ginger could do; and jazz because I wanted to be in A Chorus Line.
I went to New York in September 2011- a study tour for my interior design course. NY is a city I’ve wanted to go to forever … and I just fell in love with it. The fact that it was the 10th anniversary of September 11 was a coincidence and I was moved to tears at many of the places I visited. On a completely different note, I bought the most expensive pair of sunnies I’ve ever owned but didn’t find the elusive and perfect pair of Jimmy Choo’s. Not sure I’ll ever get there again but it is a possibility.
Website design and interior design may seem like an odd mix, but many of the principles of good design and use of colour and space that I would apply to a website are equally valid for designing a room, or outside space.
I am stepping out of my comfort zone and writing my first book. Actually, the writing isn’t so much the hard part, it’s handing it over to an editor (take a breath Ellen!)
I really do have red hair. There are whole websites devoted to having red hair! Who would’ve thought it!!
I love shoes almost as much as I love designing websites, but I love my kids more! I was in shoe heaven at Saks Fifth Avenue where their shoe department has its own zip code (why do I always head straight for the Christian Louboutins?). The Bergdorf Goodman shoe department is just as awesome.
And back to the beginning …
I love designing websites. Building websites. Fixing websites. Finding great solutions for you.