I admit it, I’m a bit of a junkie when it comes to changing my own site! I tend to change it fairly regularly, and often at the spur of the moment, usually very late at night after I’ve seen another site (or a specific thing on another site), and I think ‘oh, I would love to try that!’

I do all the things I tell my clients *not* to do, but then, I am often trying out new methods, techniques, and plugins, functions et al. It’s about skills development for me – and if a web designer stands still, you get left behind, and we none of us want that. To be honest, I’d rather do something horrible to my own site than a clients, and if i’m off the air for a few days while I fix it, I’m not quite so stressed as I would be with a client site!!

So, this one I did about a year ago … yes, it’s taken that long for me to get it into the portfolio. WordPress of course, a customised Divi template, and rather than add on more, I’ve been trying the minimalist approach. I think I still like it and I especially love black and white with a sparing use of colour.

Refreshed: 1 January 2018 (but added here on 1 January 2019)

Visit the site: leumesindesign.com.au

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