Sub-page in their new staff intranet.
This was a redevelopment of the existing staff intranet for the Summerland Credit Union. I worked with their in-house teams (Marketing and IT) and specifically worked on converting 300+ pdf documents to html, created the navigation framework, and subsequently populated pages and tested them. These documents were primarily policies and procedures which required a new format that was easy to read, could be maintained online (rather than by updating word documents and converting to pdf for upload), and ownership distributed to relevant staff (rather than relying on a single staff member to manage this site). I also ran combined familiarisation, training and feedback sessions for staff. The whole project ran from late August 2011 to February 2012.
If you are a member of Linked In, you can read the great recommendation they gave me (but you might need to log in to see it)!
Release date: 14 February 2012
Visit the site: The intranet is restricted to Credit Union staff only, but you can visit their home page.